Stereotimes - Vanguard Scout Review

Stereotimes - Vanguard Scout Review

"With that pedigree, I knew these smaller Scouts would sound good, but how good for $299 a pair? I set the Scouts up as near-field on my desktop to break them in for a while, powered by a pair of Vera-Fi Audio’s Vera-Link TWS Bluetooth Wireless 50-watt amplifiers. I found myself distracted often as the Scouts played daily, breaking in, lured to listen by the imaging and soundstage presented by these small wonders, and upon first hearing the Vanguard Scouts, my wife, Robin, uttered the word “warm,” an apt description of their overall signature. She coaxed me early to set them on stands in our main space, which I did a week later. Once on stands and powered by my main rig, Robin and I were stunned at how well the Scouts performed. The Scouts brought fun into our early evening the following day as Robin read, and I played files into the early evening."

"I have much bigger and better speakers and adore them. The Vanguard Scouts play with enough realism and musicality to scratch that same itch. The Scouts give 80% of what the three times their price Vanguards deliver. The Scout is the perfect introduction to great sound at a stunningly affordable price. Add a pair of Vera-Link TWS Bluetooth amps, and you’ve got one heck of an affordable starter setup to use with any Bluetooth-enabled phone, pad, or computer. I listen to each of these speakers in this fashion."

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