Thank you Mark and your Teams,
I have received the amps yesterday evening.
After about 2 hours playing ,the amps were
Synchronized to my system.
Honestly I have played quobuz and Tidal
from my iPhone 15 to the amps by Bluetooth
But they are so great almost closed to my Stello
Class D 15 years old. My speaker are Tekton Perfect Set 12.
This is the great pleasure to know You and your Teams for new experiences in my audiophile’s journey.
So Could I play with android phone to these amps in future?
Replaced all fuses in my system, about 10 in total. A very worthy investment. Thank you Mark
I have bought the Mainstream AC conditioner and the Snubway as well a few weeks ago. I can say that I was a little sceptical because I have a very high revealing system ,so how much better can it get? Well the first 150 hours were very subtle in audible differences but something was going on as I was starting to feel the music differently.The week after, I started to play some vinyls and WOW! I was so excited that I had to write to Mark to tell him he’s got 2 great products.The music sounded more live and detailed with a great soundstage pinpointing the instruments a notch above before. I need to mention a thank you to Mark, a real gentleman. He will answer any questions you may have regarding any issues you may have.I recommend both products as they complement each other.Thanks again to Mark and can’t wait for his next winner.
Excellent product yielding much better results than expected. Especially when paired with a Snubway noise defender. I am definitely considering another pair in the near future.
Having already experimented with a range of aftermarket fuses in my system, including the AM Ultimate Premier, AM M1, SR Orange, SR Purple, SR Pink, SR Master, Hifi-Tuning, and Gustard, I have developed a particular fondness for the SR Purple, Pink, and Master fuses, owning multiple units of each. After encountering several positive reviews about the SDFB, I decided to try it paired with the Graphene Sluggo in my Lampizator TRP II DAC.
The Lampizator TRP II is highly responsive to tuning components, making it an ideal candidate for the SDFB. The results were nothing short of remarkable. The soundstage expanded, the dynamics of the music became even more pronounced, and the spatial depth of the audio improved significantly. Additionally, all frequencies seemed to receive a more balanced enhancement. It was as though the SDFB took an already exceptional-sounding system and elevated it across every dimension.
Impressed with the performance, I immediately ordered additional SDFBs. In summary, the SDFB is an outstanding tuning component that delivers impressive results at a very reasonable price, making it a highly recommended upgrade for any audiophile seeking to refine their system.
Cheerz over the pond
I’m hesitant to assign a star ranking since my experience could be anything from 3 to 5 as you will see below. In all the many years that I've been seeking the absolute sound, I've always been hard-put to hear what reviewers called jaw-dropping improvements whenever they added some new something to their systems. I have the same difficulty with wines and with coffees; I simply don't pick up on the subtle differences that apparently are obvious to other people. And so it has been with the SDFB and the three different Sluggos I have used with it. To be fair my Gato 150AE and Aerial 6Ts already sounded far better to me than any amp/speaker combo that I have had in the past, so that it would have been asking a lot to for me to expect any profound improvement by adding something else to the mix. I like to think that I heard something new when I plugged in the SDFB with the copper Sluggo I started with, yet my jaw remained where it has always been. Don’t get me wrong -- everything sounded really good, just not bowl-me-over good. The thing I did hear, however, was a new glint, twang, sharpness (I’m not really sure how to describe it), something whenever a singer or a brass instrument hit high notes. Nevertheless, I didn’t want to risk losing even a subtle improvement by returning it within the 30-day window that Verifi graciously allows its customers. After a couple of months’ listening, I went back to their website and discovered that, according to Verifi’s description of it, I probably should have ordered the Super Sluggo to get more warmth from the fuse box. Hoping it might solve the problem with the sharpness I heard in high notes, I ordered a Super Sluggo. Unfortunately I honestly heard no difference between the two Sluggos. I suppose I should have returned it for a refund at the time, but for 30 bucks I didn’t want to look like a complete cheapskate. Another few months passed before I decided to go for broke with a Graphene Sluggo. (The discount at the time and Verifi’s praiseworthy return policy decided it for me.) I am happy to report that the Graphene so far seems to have resolved the harshness I was hearing with the highs in my system. As I said before, I don’t have the discriminating hearing that other listeners seem to have when they describe seismic improvements with every new addition to their systems. Your experience could be much different from mine. In all I’m happy with the way my system sounds now and while I might be slow to appreciate improvements that the SDFB and Graphene Sluggo offer, I wouldn’t remove them from the whole on any count.
I addded this to my system that already had the Swiss Digital FuseBox with an and a SnubWay, and I was already super happy with, then I saw Mark had said the Main Stream and SnubWay work great together and as usual he was right!
The MainStream added another level to the complete absence of interference with my digital gear and creates absolute inky blackness with added clarity.
Thanks for another great product Mark!
Over the years, I have put the majority of my audiophile / videophile time and money into the audio side of things. On the video side, I have a great LG TV / Monitor with a decent amp and speaker combo for sound. On a lark, I decided to pull the trigger on a Vanguard Caldera 10 sub, figuring that for the price and with Vera-Fi’s generous return policy, I couldn’t go wrong. Frankly, and in spite of the many favorable reviews, I really expected nothing more than thumpy, one note bass.
Surprise! The VC10 is tight and tuneful and highly adjustable. I was able to dial in the sub quite easily to add the bottom octave / octave+ to my video system, without overblown low-end out of sync with the rest of the frequency spectrum. It’s a remarkable phenomenon, but as I have experienced with a much more expensive sub in my audio system, adding the bottom octave or two somehow brings a greater clarity to mid and high frequencies. Part of this I suppose is the fact that I can eliminate the bass boost on my main speakers I had dialed in an attempt to get more satisfying sound. The mains are not working as hard now with the sub in place, greater clarity is the result, or so it seems subjectively.
Anyway, this sub is a winner. Can’t go wrong in my humble opinion…
Mark in Santa Cruz
I have a Snubway Noise Defender and a Main Stream conditioner in my system for a while now and they definitely improved the sound quality. However I recently added another Mainstream and placed it in the electrical outlet near my broadband router. I noticed another improvement in SQ almost immediately and it seemed to gradually get better and now about 150hrs in it is truly amazing. The sound from my system is gone to a whole new level, especially the bass which seems to be much tighter and is a joy to hear. Overall a major improvement. It is astonishing how these little units are capable of giving a lift you would expect from a component or cable upgrade
I have 2x Snubway + 2x Mainstream plugs connected to my Ansuz power distributor. My system never sounded better!
I was initially skeptical, but there are really safely amazing to use...even in very high-end systems.
I was curious to see what such a little "device" might produce in my system, if anything.
Opening the very nice Asian inspired packaging revealed a little creature about as big as my thumb. Very nicely finished with a chrome spike for it's tail (where a ground is to be attached) it certainly qualifies as "cute", but not so inspiring as an audio tweek. The mystery is enhanced by the fact that no literature is supplied or even referenced in the product description, so I had no idea what sort of change I was listening for. And THAT might be the magic - ANYTHING sounding different can thus be attributed to the Meow?!
What I'm getting at is that my expectation bias was very low. I couldn't fathom how this cute little chunk of metal with a ground wire mashed to its butt would accomplish anything. More $ wasted on foolishly audio pursuits? Again?!
As soon as the lights went low and the music came up from the black velvet background... "WAIT A MINUTE! WHEN DID THEY ADD SPOTLIGHTS TO THE STAGE?!"
I was caught off guard when I sat down to listen and noticed a distinct highlighting of solo instruments or whatever the central attention point was! Not just a constant illumination of center stage, but anywhere between the speakers that the main instrument or voice is featured. For me, it was an interesting and ''illuminating" experience that has continued to elevate my sonic enjoyment.
Highly recommend IF you've maxed out your system and can afford to play with mystical (possibly stupid) quantum theory based tweeks!
I bought the Snubway to improve the sound in my mid-fi setup. When I plugged it in, I immediately noticed a lower noise floor. Within a few hours, I began to notice increased sound stage as well. Another unplanned benefit was increased definition on my LG OLED tv. This thing works as advertised.
The first 30 hours I heard the potential but the tone seemed off. Now about 60 hours in I am totally blown away! The biggest improvement is the soundstage and imaging. The SDFB on my amp has freed the music from my speakers. It is just there, in front of you. The speakers disappear (hard to do with 5 foot tall, 2 feet wide Acoustats). The depth is incredible! The background is quiet and black, details just jump out of the mix. Amp seems more powerful, more dynamic.
I still think it would be even better without having to use another separate power cord, and I intend to try to use adapters with the SDFB to compare against the Piggy. But the Extreme Piggy is very good.
This is one of 5he best tweaks I have tried. Highly recommended!
This is my second purchase of these extraordinary performing AC Filters. No BS marketing claims these are the real deal and Mark offers absolutely top service all around. The improvements in my systems are across the board cleaner, clearer, revealing details of the music I have never heard or “felt” before, These are a no brainier for any system and work alongside both my two different high end conditioners which I no longer require as the Snubway + Mainstream combined are better on their own! Congratulations Mark + team you deserve all the credit for providing world leading products without pulling our pants down.
This fuse box in one word is magic ! More air , micro dynamic , details... without negative aspects . Incredible .
Dieser Schweizer digitaler Sicherungskasten bedeutet ein update wie eine Verbesserung einer Komponente.Es ist unglaublich wie dieser Kasten wirkt.Es wird wohl nicht bei einem bleiben.Gratulation!
It took a few days for the SnubWay to get settled in, but I am hearing quite a bit more detail in my music system. Soundstage is bigger and better defined, and I turned my sub off because it wasn't needed. Well done Vera-Fi!
Purchased 3 extreme piggy power cables , incredible craftsmanship, also because they are 2 ft length they allow the power conditioner and Swiss Digital to sit on the floor properly.
I purchased the extremes as they match my extreme power cords, of which I am super Happy with and yes they DO MAKE A Difference ! You can't go wrong with this type of perfection for the price.
The Swiss Digital Fuse Box has really elevated the sound of my system. More open, more dynamic, more accurate tonal balance, wider and deeper sound stage and greater separation of instruments within.
Aided in introducing all these improvements are the Sluggos that take the place of the fuse in the system when the Swiss Digial Fuse Box is in use. Each is in its way like a tone control imparting a frequency signature. The Copper is big and bold sounding, strong bass and dynamics. The Super Duper is a bit more refined, a lighter and a bit more open sound. The Graphene for my system is like Goldilock's porridge, just right: tight, present bass, treble that sounds natural not etched, presenting dynamic contrasts from micro to macro dynamics that seem musical and connected to the textures of the music, revealing of details in a tapestry of sound where their "noticeableness" seems woven into the tapestry of sound, not sounding exaggerated or unduly quiet.
Yes, the Graphene is the most expensive option. For good reasons. I decided to use one with all four of the Swiss Digital Fuse Boxes I have in my system--adding each one in place of a Copper or Super Duper made an easily heard incremental improvement.
These stands are much more substantial than my previous pangea stands.. and use 4 metal posts instead of the pangeas 3 that were smaller in diameter. The top plate is also much bigger, which I really appreciate. My speakers perfectly fit on the top plate like they were designed for each other! Speakers are selah voce, pictured here
This is my third Graphene Sluggo for the three components in my audio system that take fuses. With each replacement of the regular fuse with the SDFB and Graphene Sluggo I realized improvement in fidelity.
Everything positive that everyone has said about this device is 100% accurate. I purchased two of these, one for my tubed preamp and another for my tubed DAC. What I heard after making the change was beyond my expectations, cleaner more nuanced sound, no tube noise from the preamp, the music just flows and I find myself listening longer and longer. Very pleased to the point of ordering two more for my mono amps. A simple device that delivers well above its price.