Stereo Times - Swiss Digital Fuse Box Review
"I’ll cut to the chase. When playing our Consonance M100SE tube integrated using Vera-Fi Audio’s Swiss Digital FUSE BOX, the combination delivered a sense of greater depth and an improved render of acoustic instruments in space. Dynamics are punchier; transients snappier; bass had far more body, and female vocals breathed with added life. The Swiss Digital FUSE BOX accented the intimacy and closeness of the performance and enhanced the sense of stereo as more natural. More heft emanated from the integrated as music entered the room with more “oomph.” Things seemed both more lively and more relaxed. As aforementioned, a waft of greater headroom tickled my senses, along with added resolve. The sound of the SDFB in this simple setup made the music more detailed and smooth, imparting a sense of ease during a listening session. There was just more there, there."