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Vera-Fi Audio LLC

Piggy Tail Power Cables

Piggy Tail Power Cables

Regular price $99.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $99.00 USD
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Our Piggy Tails are high performance, short interconnecting power cables for use with Swiss Digital Fuse Box or other high current power delivery products only requiring a short distance. 

Piggy Tail - Our base model is a 1ft power cable constructed from 9 separate cores of 16-gauge 8N oxygen-free copper, each plated with 70 microns of extruded pure silver. Designed for ultra-low resistance and uncompromised signal integrity, this cable ensures your system benefits from stable, noise-free power without unnecessary bulk.

Super Piggy Tail - Stepping up from the base model, the Super Piggy Tail refines and expands upon its predecessor with even greater efficiency. Built with 3 cores conductor shaft with built-in oversized high-purity silver-plated oxygen-free high thermal conductivity (OFHC) square core copper + multi-strand pure copper, it delivers lower resistance, improved current flow, and even better shielding against electrical interference. Ideal for systems demanding more refined dynamics and an even lower noise floor.

Extreme Piggy Tail
- For those who demand the absolute best, the Extreme Piggy Tail takes performance to another level. Available in 1ft and 2ft lengths, it doubles the number of silver-plated oxygen-free copper cores for even lower resistance and superior current capability. The result? Tighter bass, improved transient response, and effortless power delivery to high-current components. 

Try the Piggy Tail Power Cables for yourself in your own home. All products sold by Vera-Fi Audio are covered by a 30-day money back guarantee should you be dissatisfied in any way.

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Swiss Digital Fuse Box Reviews on YouTube

Before & After Installing Swiss Digital Fuse Box | Sgliveacoustics $50,000 Hi-Fi Setup, Instrument

Articles about Swiss Digital Fuse Box

Tom Gibbs and Bruce Kinch awards SDFB with Graphene Sluggo for 2024 Writers' Choice Award

SDFB improves separation, detail and clean but not sterile, it is musical and super engaging says Mr. Miyagi from What's Best Forum

BShaw featured SDFB on Audiophile Grade Fuses threads on Head-Fi Forums

Providing a Path to Unrestrained System Performance

This accented the intimacy and closeness of the performance and enhanced the sense of stereo as more natural.

Follow-up: Vera-Fi Audio's Swiss Digital Fuse Box, Now with the Graphene Sluggo

Swiss Digital FUSE BOX a Better Link in the Chain

Swiss Digital Fuse Box - "What headroom sounds like"

Customer Reviews

Based on 56 reviews
Fabio Pellizzari (Schaan, LI)

I wanted to share my impressions of the SDFB. I’ve ordered one SDFB (20A) for my Sanders Magtech power amp. I ordered the box with the graphene sluggos.

I’m using SR Research fuses in my entire system. Mostly Masters and some Purples. So below impressions are vs these SR Fuses and not vs stock fuses.

A difficulty here in Europe was the US socket on the output. I was only able to use the SFDB with the provided pigtail. This silver plated pigtail didn’t do it at in my setup. Timbre was synthetic and images were flat.

So I ordered a Schuko to IEC adapter. With the adapter I was able to connect the SDFB directly to the outlet in my power bar. Also, I ordered a US male to Schuko adapter for the output. Now I could connect any power cable at home finished with Schuko plugs. None of the adapters was „hifi-grade“. Just standard products from the electronics shop.

Using these adapters instead of the pigtail completely transformed my experience with the SDFB. I strongly advise anybody to use such adapters. I think Mark and the team are currently working on hifi-grade adapters With the adapter I was absolutely blown away by the result. The soundstage had increased a lot in terms of height, width and depth. Better than with the Master and significantly better than with the Purple. While the Master fuse tends to suck out lower mids, the Purple fuse emphasize this specific frequency range. So in combination this works but it needs attention and the willingness to balance things out. The fuse boxes frequency range remained neutral in the best sense. So there is no need to compensate anything in the process, like maintaining body and musicality with switch of cables, tube rolling, etc. It is thus a very clear improvement over both SR fuses.

Also seperation was clearly improved without loosing musicality.

The timbre was phenomenal: organic and natural. The sound had body and heft if the recording allowed for it. With leaner, airier recordings, it was open and spherical. There was a significant increase in micro and macro details.

The fact that the fuse box outperformed the SR Master and Purple in my amp, makes it very appealing. Also, fuses have blown in the past increasing the costs.

After the positive experience, I ordered more SDFB to upgrade the entire system. I observed the same improvements with every change. Maybe just slightly less of it the more I swapped but every single upgrade was very well worth the price.

I can strongly advise anybody to check these out. These are a phenomenal improvement for a very fair price.

Philippe Boce (Bolbec, FR)
Nice surprise

Really impressed by the addition of this box and a graphene "fuse."
A wider and deeper soundstage, instrument separation with fuller bass and crisp treble, and much more detail.
Installed on my Nadac Merging, I've ordered a new one for my amp.
Thanks, Mark.

Deji Olatunbosun (Surrey, CA)
Invaluable tweak

Replaced all fuses in my system, about 10 in total. A very worthy investment. Thank you Mark

Usé (Zurich, CH)
A great tweak!

Having already experimented with a range of aftermarket fuses in my system, including the AM Ultimate Premier, AM M1, SR Orange, SR Purple, SR Pink, SR Master, Hifi-Tuning, and Gustard, I have developed a particular fondness for the SR Purple, Pink, and Master fuses, owning multiple units of each. After encountering several positive reviews about the SDFB, I decided to try it paired with the Graphene Sluggo in my Lampizator TRP II DAC.

The Lampizator TRP II is highly responsive to tuning components, making it an ideal candidate for the SDFB. The results were nothing short of remarkable. The soundstage expanded, the dynamics of the music became even more pronounced, and the spatial depth of the audio improved significantly. Additionally, all frequencies seemed to receive a more balanced enhancement. It was as though the SDFB took an already exceptional-sounding system and elevated it across every dimension.

Impressed with the performance, I immediately ordered additional SDFBs. In summary, the SDFB is an outstanding tuning component that delivers impressive results at a very reasonable price, making it a highly recommended upgrade for any audiophile seeking to refine their system.

Cheerz over the pond

Crosby Moss (Clemmons, US)
I wanted to be knocked out, but...

I’m hesitant to assign a star ranking since my experience could be anything from 3 to 5 as you will see below. In all the many years that I've been seeking the absolute sound, I've always been hard-put to hear what reviewers called jaw-dropping improvements whenever they added some new something to their systems. I have the same difficulty with wines and with coffees; I simply don't pick up on the subtle differences that apparently are obvious to other people. And so it has been with the SDFB and the three different Sluggos I have used with it. To be fair my Gato 150AE and Aerial 6Ts already sounded far better to me than any amp/speaker combo that I have had in the past, so that it would have been asking a lot to for me to expect any profound improvement by adding something else to the mix. I like to think that I heard something new when I plugged in the SDFB with the copper Sluggo I started with, yet my jaw remained where it has always been. Don’t get me wrong -- everything sounded really good, just not bowl-me-over good. The thing I did hear, however, was a new glint, twang, sharpness (I’m not really sure how to describe it), something whenever a singer or a brass instrument hit high notes. Nevertheless, I didn’t want to risk losing even a subtle improvement by returning it within the 30-day window that Verifi graciously allows its customers. After a couple of months’ listening, I went back to their website and discovered that, according to Verifi’s description of it, I probably should have ordered the Super Sluggo to get more warmth from the fuse box. Hoping it might solve the problem with the sharpness I heard in high notes, I ordered a Super Sluggo. Unfortunately I honestly heard no difference between the two Sluggos. I suppose I should have returned it for a refund at the time, but for 30 bucks I didn’t want to look like a complete cheapskate. Another few months passed before I decided to go for broke with a Graphene Sluggo. (The discount at the time and Verifi’s praiseworthy return policy decided it for me.) I am happy to report that the Graphene so far seems to have resolved the harshness I was hearing with the highs in my system. As I said before, I don’t have the discriminating hearing that other listeners seem to have when they describe seismic improvements with every new addition to their systems. Your experience could be much different from mine. In all I’m happy with the way my system sounds now and while I might be slow to appreciate improvements that the SDFB and Graphene Sluggo offer, I wouldn’t remove them from the whole on any count.

David M. (Richmond Hill, CA)
Give them at least 50 hours burn in (Extreme Piggy tail and SDFB)……

The first 30 hours I heard the potential but the tone seemed off. Now about 60 hours in I am totally blown away! The biggest improvement is the soundstage and imaging. The SDFB on my amp has freed the music from my speakers. It is just there, in front of you. The speakers disappear (hard to do with 5 foot tall, 2 feet wide Acoustats). The depth is incredible! The background is quiet and black, details just jump out of the mix. Amp seems more powerful, more dynamic.
I still think it would be even better without having to use another separate power cord, and I intend to try to use adapters with the SDFB to compare against the Piggy. But the Extreme Piggy is very good.
This is one of 5he best tweaks I have tried. Highly recommended!

Philippe Bouquiaux (Cahors, FR)

This fuse box in one word is magic ! More air , micro dynamic , details... without negative aspects . Incredible .

tao junjian
It's great

Make my DAC more clear and more powerful with low costs, I like it.

Andi Da Rugna (Kreuzlingen, CH)
Schweizer digitaler Sicherungskasten

Dieser Schweizer digitaler Sicherungskasten bedeutet ein update wie eine Verbesserung einer Komponente.Es ist unglaublich wie dieser Kasten wirkt.Es wird wohl nicht bei einem bleiben.Gratulation!

Gary Workman
Extreme Piggy Tail makes a difference!

Purchased 3 extreme piggy power cables , incredible craftsmanship, also because they are 2 ft length they allow the power conditioner and Swiss Digital to sit on the floor properly.
I purchased the extremes as they match my extreme power cords, of which I am super Happy with and yes they DO MAKE A Difference ! You can't go wrong with this type of perfection for the price.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Swiss Digital Fuse Box (SDFB)?

The SDFB is a device designed to improve the performance of your audio equipment by eliminating the weakest link in every system, which is the Fuse. The Fuse degrades with time and actually imparts an Impedance in and of itself. The SDFB is MicroProcessor Controlled and uses a State-of-the-Art Hall Effect Sensor to PROTECT your equipment.

How does the SDFB enhance audio performance?

By replacing conventional fuses with a metal rod called Sluggo, the SDFB reduces resistance and allows for better current flow, leading to improved midrange and treble clarity, increased power handling, and a more defined soundstage. We can promise a more refined bottom end as well. 

Is the SDFB compatible with all audio equipment?

The SDFB is designed to be compatible with a wide range of audio equipment. However, it's essential to verify compatibility with your specific devices before installation. Please contact us here. Fuse Box works with gear rated at 500mA to 12 amps, with either Fast or Slow Blow varieties.

How does the SDFB provide protection without a traditional fuse?

The SDFB utilizes a microprocessor coupled to our precision Hall Effect Sensor / and Relay to monitor power flow, automatically opening the circuit in case of anomalies, thus providing protection without the need for a traditional fuse.

Can the SDFB be used in European audio systems?

Yes, SDFB is available in three voltage configurations:

  • 110v, 60Hz
  • 220/240v, 50Hz
  • 220/240v, 60Hz (rare but used in a few parts of the world)

For users in the EU or parts of Asia, we recommend the following setup to ensure optimal performance without the need for adapters:

  1. Input Connection: Use your existing power cord to connect the wall outlet (whether Schuko or 3-blade US plug, as used in some regions) to the input side of the SDFB.
  2. Output Connection: Consider using one of our NEMA 15-type Piggy Tail power cables to connect the output of the SDFB to the IEC input of your audio equipment.

This configuration has been successfully implemented by over 200 SDFB users in the EU, delivering safe and exceptional results.

By following this setup, you can seamlessly integrate the SDFB into your system, enhancing performance while maintaining safety and compatibility.

What is the role of the Piggy Tail power cable in the SDFB setup?

The Piggy Tail is a short power cable designed to connect the SDFB's output to your audio equipment's power input, ensuring a secure and efficient connection.

Does the SDFB require any special installation procedures?

Installation of the SDFB involves replacing the existing fuse with the provided solid copper rod and connecting the device using the appropriate power cables. It's recommended to follow the manufacturer's installation guidelines or consult a professional.