This is an excellent purchase for the price. It added the additional bass I was looking for and has its own volume and bass dials to adjust to your taste.
Marvellous. It’s improved the sense that even at higher listening volumes, I can still hold a conversation with someone next to me. Less wall of sound, more clarity. A nice improvement indeed. Once you hear it, you can’t “unhear” it :)
I have 2 Caldera 12 subs. My wife think they look great and I love the sound of them. They blend so seamlessly with my Spatial Audio open baffle speakers. My only issue is with the auto on/ off…. It cuts off too quickly when no signal is present while the music is playing and then it cuts back on when signal is present while the music is playing… the problem is the switching on/off is audible. It distracts from the illusion of musicians playing in front of me. Of course I just leave them on now for a work around. Other than that it is a great piece of equipment that I am proud to own… to say nothing of its price/ value and quality. It sets it apart from a lot of budget subs and on par with the best
今天对 MainStream的位置进行了AB交换比较:
从数字播放线路(数播、解码、usb重组)的总墙插 挪到 耳放线路总墙插后,与SnubWay#2 搭档(同样数字播放线路也有 SnubWay#1设备),效果还真有点让人惊喜。
Awesome…brilliance that’s shines through and through … lows are superb and mid range is spectacular … never overbearing and true to the original recording …Simply outstanding !!!
I wanted to share my impressions of the SDFB. I’ve ordered one SDFB (20A) for my Sanders Magtech power amp. I ordered the box with the graphene sluggos.
I’m using SR Research fuses in my entire system. Mostly Masters and some Purples. So below impressions are vs these SR Fuses and not vs stock fuses.
A difficulty here in Europe was the US socket on the output. I was only able to use the SFDB with the provided pigtail. This silver plated pigtail didn’t do it at in my setup. Timbre was synthetic and images were flat.
So I ordered a Schuko to IEC adapter. With the adapter I was able to connect the SDFB directly to the outlet in my power bar. Also, I ordered a US male to Schuko adapter for the output. Now I could connect any power cable at home finished with Schuko plugs. None of the adapters was „hifi-grade“. Just standard products from the electronics shop.
Using these adapters instead of the pigtail completely transformed my experience with the SDFB. I strongly advise anybody to use such adapters. I think Mark and the team are currently working on hifi-grade adapters With the adapter I was absolutely blown away by the result. The soundstage had increased a lot in terms of height, width and depth. Better than with the Master and significantly better than with the Purple. While the Master fuse tends to suck out lower mids, the Purple fuse emphasize this specific frequency range. So in combination this works but it needs attention and the willingness to balance things out. The fuse boxes frequency range remained neutral in the best sense. So there is no need to compensate anything in the process, like maintaining body and musicality with switch of cables, tube rolling, etc. It is thus a very clear improvement over both SR fuses.
Also seperation was clearly improved without loosing musicality.
The timbre was phenomenal: organic and natural. The sound had body and heft if the recording allowed for it. With leaner, airier recordings, it was open and spherical. There was a significant increase in micro and macro details.
The fact that the fuse box outperformed the SR Master and Purple in my amp, makes it very appealing. Also, fuses have blown in the past increasing the costs.
After the positive experience, I ordered more SDFB to upgrade the entire system. I observed the same improvements with every change. Maybe just slightly less of it the more I swapped but every single upgrade was very well worth the price.
I can strongly advise anybody to check these out. These are a phenomenal improvement for a very fair price.
A线路:Aurender N150,Innuos Phoenix USB Reclocker,精音DAC-D1000 MK2(R2R)。
从国外论坛中了解到Vera-Fi Audio的SnubWay和Main Stream这两款降噪新品后,我联系了Mark。在30天免费退货的条件下,我尝试了这两款产品。此前我用过日本Furutech NCF Clear Line电源净化器和美国Shunyata Research Venom Defender电源优化调谐器,但效果不够明显,也不够理想。按照Mark的指示,并联设备需要通电400小时才能达到最佳状态,目前我的通电时间已接近400小时。
由于SnubWay和Main Stream体积较大(三角形设计),如果和电源线一起插入美标插座,空间不够,所以我自制了几条公母转接线来搭配。我将SnubWay(2个)和Main Stream(1个)放置在以下位置:
SnubWay #1:插入A线路的Sierra 20A镀金背插座,通过Hubbell橡胶插头转接线与CARDAS Clear Power电源线并联,供电给Aurender N150数播。
SnubWay #2:插入B线路的A&H-H 6262-2 DELUXE电木插座,通过电木插头转接线接入,与A.R.T. AC-8 G1电源线并联,供电给小不点LD-Y3耳放。
Main Stream:插入B线路的Hubbell 9595 + HUBBELL BK-12433总墙插。
加入这三个并联降噪设备后,我试听了熟悉的曲目,包括交响乐(如马勒《第二交响曲》)、人声(如蔡琴《渡口》)和爵士(如Dave Brubeck《Take Five》)。整体听感提升明显,背景黑度更深,细节更清晰。以下是具体变化:
在A线路加入SnubWay #1后,数播端的背景噪声明显减少。播放《渡口》时,蔡琴的呼吸声和低频鼓点之间的空隙感更强,细节浮现得更为自然。以前偶尔能察觉到的微弱“沙沙”声几乎完全消失,背景变得像“墨汁般黑”,让人更专注于音乐本身。
Main Stream在B线路的加入对声场影响显著。听《第二交响曲》时,乐团的纵深感和定位更立体,弦乐组与铜管组层次分明,仿佛能感受到乐手之间的距离。相比之前,声场宽度和深度都扩展了不少,3D包围感让人有种“置身现场”的沉浸感。
SnubWay #2和Main Stream在B线路的协同作用,让耳放的低频表现更上一层楼。《Take Five》的鼓点下潜更深,力度感更强,同时低频的纹理和扩散感也更自然,不再有那种“糊在一起”的感觉。尤其是Main Stream加入后,过滤了家电电机噪声,低频的氛围感更浓厚,整体听起来更松弛有力。
Vera-Fi Audio的SnubWay和Main Stream作为并联降噪设备,在我的系统中发挥了“锦上添花”的作用。SnubWay的高频噪声过滤能力让前端和放大环节的背景更干净,而Main Stream在低频和动态上带来了惊喜,两者协同工作将系统的潜力进一步挖掘出来。这三件“手雷”性价比很高,绝对是“调音利器”。
在使用这三个设备的过程中,Mark非常热情,有问必答,让我感到很亲切。我愿意尝试更多Vera-Fi Audio的产品,Mark很专业,同时也要感谢Mark的同事Peter。有时候对于Hi-Fi玩家来说,有些东西看似玄学,但其实背后有更多科学技术的支撑。Vera-Fi Audio的产品物有所值!
Very happy with this purchase. It gets better and better with time after 150 hours. Blacker and more live sounding background with details sounding more present and perfect. Would recommend this Snubway and Mainstream for a perfect combination and experience.
Really impressed by the addition of this box and a graphene "fuse."
A wider and deeper soundstage, instrument separation with fuller bass and crisp treble, and much more detail.
Installed on my Nadac Merging, I've ordered a new one for my amp.
Thanks, Mark.
Thank you Mark and your Teams,
I have received the amps yesterday evening.
After about 2 hours playing ,the amps were
Synchronized to my system.
Honestly I have played quobuz and Tidal
from my iPhone 15 to the amps by Bluetooth
But they are so great almost closed to my Stello
Class D 15 years old. My speaker are Tekton Perfect Set 12.
This is the great pleasure to know You and your Teams for new experiences in my audiophile’s journey.
So Could I play with android phone to these amps in future?